The number of 5G base stations in Shenzhen exceeded 70,000!

Recently, it was learned from the Shenzhen Bureau of Industry and Information Technology that as of now, the number of 5G base stations in Shenzhen has exceeded 70,000, and the number of 5G users has exceeded 13 million. With its 5G network coverage density and user proportion rank among the top in major cities, It provides a solid support for the high-quality development of Shenzhen’s digital eco……

MIIT: China Has Built 1.854M 5G Base Stations

MIIT (The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) introduced on the 19th, July that a total of 1.854 million 5G base stations have been built and opened in China, of which nearly 300,000 new base stations were added in the second quarter. It means China has realized “5G access to every county and broadband to every village”. 5G mobile phone users reached 455 million.The analyst Data shows……